PRIO adopts risk management mechanisms to ensure the safety of its processes and prevent safety failures.
These mechanisms identify, understand, and control the company’s operational risks.
Safety in Processes
PRIO adopts the ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) principle, which aims to reduce all risk to the lowest possible level. This means that the company adopts all necessary measures to minimize risks, thereby ensuring the safety of its processes.
Incident Control System (ICS)
PRIO has a robust operational risk management system capable of meeting the expectations of our stakeholders.
This system is based on ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable), i.e., reducing all risk to the lowest possible level.
Emergency Plans
Highlighted among the emergency plans adopted by PRIO is the Individual Emergency Plan (PEI), which deals with occurrences related to emergency situations at maritime units when it is not necessary to call in external resources, and the Emergency Plan for Oil Leaks (PEVO). PRIO also has four vessels equipped with the most advanced equipment available on the market to contain and collect oil in the event of an accident.
Prevenção e resposta
Em conjunto, os mecanismos e processos de segurança adotados pela PRIO permitem que a companhia se antecipe e atue diretamente na prevenção dos eventuais riscos identificados, bem como colocam a empresa em alto grau de preparação para responder de forma rápida e eficiente em caso dos mais diferentes tipos e graus de acidente.
Com isso, a PRIO garante a segurança de seus processos e minimiza os impactos ambientais decorrentes de suas operações.